首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十四卷第二期(2017.06),大學階段華裔傳承語課程設置:個案研究 /College-Level Chinese as a Heritage Language Curriculum Development: A Case Study 駱涵、李明穎、李煜(Han LUO、Ming-Ying LI、Yu LI) ,形各異而實相通──現代漢語句末情態虛詞與英語語調 /Japanese Learners’ Comprehension of Clefts and Pseudo-clefts in L2 Chinese 屈承熹(ChaunceyC.CHU) ,華語實習教師課堂語言偏差分析 /Japanese Learners’ Comprehension of Clefts and Pseudo-clefts in L2 Chinese 宋如瑜(Ju-Yu SUNG) ,對外漢語課堂中的跨文化教學:泰國國際漢語教師跨文化教學意識研究 /Japanese Learners’ Comprehension of Clefts and Pseudo-clefts in L2 Chinese 龔陽、齊雪丹(Yang Frank GONG、Xuedan QI) ,華語教學的視域與運用:《跨文化交際》書評 /Japanese Learners’ Comprehension of Clefts and Pseudo-clefts in L2 Chinese 錢奕華(Yi-Hua CHIEN)