首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十四卷第三期(2017.09) 華語學前兒童語音的習得 / The Speech Acquisition of Mandarin-Speaking Preschool Children 作者 Author 鄭靜宜Jing-Yi JENG 關鍵詞 Key words 語音習得 構音能力 聲母 鼻韻 年齡 speech acquisition, articulatory ability, initial consonants, nasal rime, age 摘要 兒童習得母語中各音素的時間有所差異,有些音素較早,有些音素則較晚。本研究探討說華語兒童在聲母、母音和鼻韻習得年齡,評估416位年齡在三到六歲說華語兒童的構音能力,以個別評估方式進行詞語構音和語句構音測驗。以75%人數比率為習得標準,發現多數華語子音在五歲前習得,其中鼻音和不送氣塞音在三歲前習得,送氣音以及部分塞擦音和摩擦音在四歲習得;較難的摩擦音和塞擦音在五歲習得;六歲兒童尚未習得捲舌音。母音和鼻韻方面,除了捲舌母音(ㄦ)外,母音皆在三歲前習得。鼻韻習得較晚,除軟顎鼻韻(ㄤ)外,其餘三個鼻韻在四歲時習得,軟顎鼻韻則在五歲習得。本研究的結果可供聽語臨床評估與介入參考,並作為兒童語音異常嚴重度診斷之參照。 Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the articulatory ability for the preschool Mandarin-speaking children. There were total 416 preschool children tested with a word articulatory test and a sentence articulatory test. There were four age groups ofchildren, and their age ranged from 3 to 6 years old. After the speech errors in the speech sample were analyzed and the ratio of correct articulation children in a group were calculated with 75% as acquisition level, the results show that most of consonants were acquired before five years old, and the most difficult consonants were retroflexes, which were not acquired even in the six-years-old group. Children learned the simple stops and nasals before three years old, and the aspirated consonants at four years old. Fricatives and affricates were acquired at five years old. Children acquired all the vowels before three years old, except the retroflexed vowel. The acquisition of nasal-rimes was much later than that of vowels. Most of nasal-rimes were acquired for four-year-old children, except the velar nasal-rime, which was acquired at five years old. The results can serve as a developmental norm of articulatory ability for children as well as the severity reference for children with speech sound disorders(SSD). 內容語文 Language 中文Chinese 頁次 Page 109-136 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / HyRead台灣全文資料庫