首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十五卷第四期(2018.12)學習中文為第二語言對英語母語者在時間心智表徵方面之影響/ Effects of Learning Chinese as a Second Language on Mental Representations of Time in English Native Speakers作者Author柯曉樂(Conner S. DUCOTE-CLARK)、謝芳燕(Amy Fang-Yen HSIEH)關鍵詞Key words跨語言影響 語言相對論 心智表徵 時空隱喻 crosslinguistic influence, linguistic relativity, second language learning, mental representations, spatiotemporal metaphors摘要本研究探究學習中文為第二語言對英語母語者在時間心智表徵方面的影響,依循Fuhrman et al. (2011) 和Lai and Boroditsky (2013),採用三維指向模式(three-dimensional pointing paradigm) 作為研究工具:受試者將自己的拳頭放在面前作為一個參考點,透過手指指向的方式來回答關於假想軸上的空間和時間的問題;此方法可避免受試者的回答受到語言表達方式的干擾。實驗對象包括英語為母語之高級程度中文二語學習者作為實驗組以及未學過中文之英語母語者作為對照組。研究結果證實了二語學習會影響學習者之時間心智表徵的假說:在時空隱喻方向關係上,實驗組偏好左右橫向軸以及前後向軸的表示方法,兩者之間無顯著差異;然而,未學習過中文的對照組在任何情況下都只偏好左右橫向軸的表示方法。本研究提出了支持語言相對論的實證結果。AbstractThis study examined the effects of second language (L2) learning on mental representations of time in native English learners of L2 Mandarin Chinese. Following Fuhrman et al. (2011) and Lai and Boroditsky (2013), the data were collected using a three-dimensional pointing paradigm—a partially language-independent task—which requires participants to answer questions (by pointing) regarding space and time on imaginary axes in front of their body using their own fist as the reference point in their answer. The participants of the study included advanced L2 learners of Mandarin Chinese as the focus experimental group and English native speakers as the control group. Results confi rmed the hypothesis that learning a second language does infl uence speakers’ mental representations of time; while English native speakers signifi cantly preferred the transverse axis in virtually all cases, L2 Mandarin learners displayed a preference for both the transverse and sagittal axes, without signifi cantly distinguishing between the two. This study adds to previous literature in the fi eld, providing evidence in support of the linguistic relativity theory.內容語文Language英文 English頁次Page35-66全文下載Download華藝線上圖書館 / HyRead台灣全文資料庫