首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十三卷第三期(2016.09)臺灣作為體驗跨文化溝通的學習場域: 個案研究三位來自歐美地區華語學習者的敘事經驗 / Experiencing Cross-cultural Communication in Taiwan: A Qualitative Case Study on Three Learners of Chinese from the West 作者 Author 白玉琪(GiokKee PEH)、招靜琪(Chin-chi CHAO) 關鍵詞 Key words Cross-cultural communication, Study abroad in Taiwan, Chinese language learning, Vygotskian sociocultural theories, qualitative case study 跨文化交際 臺灣留學經驗 華語文學習歷程 衛考斯基社會文化理論 質性個案研究敘事分析 摘要 語言學習者的留學經驗最近幾年已成為第二語言學習研究上重要的研究路線,然而以西方華語文學習者之留學臺灣經驗為主的質性研究尚屬少見。本研究以質性個案方法、衛考斯基社會文化相關理論架構,分析歐美華語文學習者自述之跨文化溝通經驗,探討他們如何在自我概念與臺灣社會中習以為常之待人接物文化間創造學習機會?研究蒐集三位來自歐美地區的留學生的敘事 (narratives) 與深入訪談資料,以其主位視角,挖掘他們初到華語文為主要溝通語言的臺灣留學時期與當地社群互動的經驗與感受。訪談錄音首先謄錄為逐字稿,接著重現個別故事樣貌,再以整體—內容 (Holistic-content) 和類別—內容(Categorical-content) 之敘事資料分析方法加以整理和分析。研究發現,三位參與者來臺前均對其來臺後之華語文口語成長速度抱持高度期待,但與實際情況落差甚大。主要因為主客雙方皆以自己的文化作為溝通之中介。本研究揭示了留學生如何在新環境的社會文化既有框架與自己原來的文化概念之間,找到所謂的第三位階,調整自己、主動出擊。雖然大環境不變,他們找到自己喜歡的互動方式,就能創造屬於自己的華語文學習成就感。文後建議不論是來臺留學的華語文學生,或有機會與留學生互動的臺灣居民,都應該學習如何做好準備,創造出理想的跨文化交流與華語學習環境。 Abstract Studies on second language learners’ study abroad experiences have been a widely pursued line of research in second language acquisition in recent years, but there have not been many studies qualitatively examining the experiences of Western learners of Chinese in Taiwan. Informed by the Vygotskian Sociocultural perspectives, this qualitative case study analyzed narratives and interview data in order to develop a deep understanding of how three Western learners experienced Taiwan at beginning stages of their study abroad experience. The result reveals that before the three participants embarked on the study abroad journey they had all expected to gain Chinese oral proficiency in a short period of time in Taiwan. Once when they arrived, the challenges that they encountered happened both in and out of the classroom. Challenges in terms of cross-cultural communication with Taiwanese could be attributed to the fact that both the participants and the local residents interacted in ways that were mediated by each of their cultural backgrounds. The three learners gradually developed agentive activities in the “third place,” which was between their home cultural background and their understanding of Taiwanese culture. Even though the local context remained unchanged, they know how to create better learning opportunities for themselves. The study suggests that both the students and the local residents who have chances to interact with Chinese learners from overseas need to better prepare themselves in order to create best possible cross-cultural learning opportunities. 內容語文 Language 英文 English 頁次 Page 123-142 全文下載 Download