首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十五卷第四期(2018.12)中日同形詞詞彙異同對比分析-以《實用視聽華語》第五冊生詞為例/ The Contrastive Analysis of Chinese-Japanese Homomorphous Lexicon: A Study of Vocabulary Words in Volume 5 of Practical Audio-Visual Chinese作者Author邱曼榕(Man-Jung CHIU)、朱曼妮(Man-Ni CHU)關鍵詞Key words中日同形詞 日華學習者 臺灣華語 華語習得期間 目的語環境Chinese-Japanese homogeneous words, Mandarin-Japanese learners, Taiwan Mandarin, initial time to start learning Mandarin, learning in a foreign language environment摘要本研究以《實用視聽華語》第五冊為本,探究中日同形詞對在臺灣學習華語的日籍學生之正負向遷移狀況。此研究以單變量變異數分析法(univariate analysis of variance, UNIANOVA),針對115 名華語習得時長/時數不同的日華學習者之作答情況來分析正確率。其研究結果發現:在中日同形近義詞中,當中文詞義較日語為多時,正確率會比中文詞義較日語為少時還高。若以日華學習者的背景為根據,學習華語超過三年的日華學習者,與在目的語國家(臺灣)留學時間超過三年的日華學習者,在中日同形詞的掌握度上皆有明顯提升之趨勢。AbstractThis paper is dedicated to exploring the positive and negative transfer effects of Chinese-Japanese homographs on Mandarin-Japanese learners. The homographic words used in the study were selected from Practical Audio-Visual Chinese (Volume 5). A total of 115 Mandarin-Japanese learners were recruited and divided into five groups based on their Mandarin study periods. We then applied the Univariate Analysis of Variance (UNIANOVA) to analyze the collected data. The results showed that when the homographs have more meanings in Mandarin than those in corresponding Japanese, the correct rate was higher, and vice versa. Additionally, the learners who had studied Mandarin for more than three years or who had stayed in the target language country (Taiwan) for a similar period of time were able to identify the homographs better.內容語文Language中文 Chinese頁次Page67-88全文下載Download華藝線上圖書館 / HyRead台灣全文資料庫