首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十三卷第一期(2016.03) 五年級兒童記敘文寫作修辭格表現分析── 以澳門一所學校為例 / The Utilization of Rhetorical Devices by Fifth Grade Students in Chinese Narrative Writing: A Case in One School in Macao 作者 Author 向天屏(Tien Ping HSIANG)、王志勝(Zhisheng WANG) 關鍵詞 Key words 修辭格 記敘文 教學 寫作表現 作文 rhetorical devices, narrative, teaching, writing performance, composition 摘要 本研究通過協同探究的內容分析歷程,分析106位澳門小學五年級兒童,在課堂上、80分鐘內、不接受指導的條件下,所撰寫的記敘文中展現的修辭格技巧。我們發現106篇記敘文中:(1) 最常出現的修辭格是單字重疊、摹視、追述的示現與詞語隔離反覆;(2) 涉及銜接全篇、段落的修辭格包括追溯的示現、提問、類句與段間頂真;(3) 調整表意方法的修辭格出現次數多於設計優美形式的修辭格;(4) 摹寫出現的次數多於示現;類字類句出現的次數多於排比、層遞;(5) 未能具象、創新地描寫、語法錯誤、運用方言等因素,影響修辭格文本的表現。我們建議:分析各年級小學生運用修辭格的能力,規劃修辭格教學序列;引導學生具象、創新地描寫事物與感受。 Abstract The study used the content analysis method through the process of co-operative inquiry to analyze the utilization of rhetorical devices by 106 Macao fifth graders in Chinese narrative writing (students wrote essays alone in 80 minutes in class). We found: 1. reduplication, visual description, the representation of a past event, and the repetition of expression (epanalepsis) were the most common rhetorical devices in students’ narrative writings; 2. students used the representation of past events, rhetorical questions, the repetition of sentences, and anadiplosis to link paragraphs or the whole writing; 3. students used rhetorical devices which can promote expression more than those which can design ideal forms; 4. sensory description texts were more common than the representation of past event texts, and repetition texts were more common than parallelism and climax texts; 5. description without imagined, specific, or original representation, grammar mistakes, and dialect usage and diction were the factors which effect the performance of rhetorical devices texts. We suggest: 1. designing the teaching order of rhetorical devices and integrating reading and writing instruction based on students’ ability to use rhetorical devices; 2. providing chances for students to describe things or feelings imaginatively, specifically, and originally as a good start to the teaching of rhetorical devices. 內容語文 Language 中文 Chinese 頁次 Page 69-109 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / HyRead台灣全文資料庫