首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十一卷第三期(2014.09) 探討華語實習教師之傳統教室與虛擬環境教學歷程比較與分析 /Pre-service CSL Teachers’ Field Experience in the Real and the Virtual Worlds 作者 Author 劉雪蕊 籃玉如 ( Sarah Hsueh-jui LIU) (Yu-ju LAN) 關鍵詞 Key words 第二人生,中文作為第二語言,實習教師,反思實踐 Second Life, Chinese as a Second Language, Pre-service Teacher Training, Reflective Practice 摘要 本研究主要探討華語實習教師之職前培訓教學活動與教學反思,欲了解 華語實習教師如何運用兩種不同環境作教學上的調整。簡言之,本研究主要 比較華語實習教師課室與虛擬環境之教學歷程比較與分析。參與對象包括兩 位臺灣籍華語實習教師(國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系的學生),與在 臺灣學習華語的外籍學生,其母語包括印尼語、越語、英語等。本研究以質 化為主,蒐集實習教師的反思報告與個別晤談資料其研究分析結果可歸納出 以下幾個重點:語言學習任務設計、教學技巧與教學法、教學資源的運用、 教室管理。另外,透過個別晤談研究結果顯示,這些教師的教學知能或教學 技巧與個人過去的學習經驗有密切關係,例如這些實習教師依據自己過去外 語學習的經驗,設計課室的學習任務,然後將這些課室的教學技巧作修正後, 運用在線上虛擬的環境中。此研究結果有助於華語教師線上虛擬環境活動的 設計,同時也提供華語實習教師及其它相關研究之參考。 Abstract This paper aims to describe the field experience of the prospective teachers of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) in the pre-service teacher training programme, regarding the similarities and differences of pedagogic skills between the conventional classroom and Second Life. There were two student teachers recruited from National Taiwan Normal University majoring in Applied Chinese Language and Literature (ACLL). Both reflected on how they made pedagogical changes in relation to the extent of the consciousness- raising, decision making and perception towards the two environments. In the student teachers' reflection reports, there have identified a number of significant pedagogical features that accounted for the differences and similarities between the real and the virtual worlds, namely, tasks, skills and resources, classroom management and teaching methodologies. The preliminary results derived from the post-teaching interviews confirm that, to some extent, the prospective teachers' pedagogical knowledge was influenced by their previous experience (e.g., foreign language learning). Besides, the findings reveal that the student teachers felt more confident in the face-to-face context than in the virtual environment in terms of their pedagogical knowledge and skills, e.g., conducting activities, and managing students' conduct. The teachers' knowledge transferred from the real to the virtual world has implications for teacher education. 內容語文 Language English 頁次 Page 61-90 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / 臺灣學術線上