首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 一~五卷 > 第一卷第一期(2004.06)談中介語與母語的交互影響/On the Interaction between CSL Students’ Interlanguage and their L1s 作者 Author 陳純音 Chun-yin Doris CHEN 關鍵詞 Key words 主題顯著性、語詞省略性、中介語、母語轉移、口語測驗、寫作測驗 interlanguage, pro-drop, topic-prominence, spoken production, written production 摘要 本研究以在台灣學習華語的美、日學生為主要研究對象,探討中介語中「主題顯著性」與「語詞省略性」的兩大特性,進而分析其對母語的影響。本研究共設計兩個實驗:第一個實驗中,受試者須並觀看一段影片後錄音描述故事內容;第二個實驗,他們則須寫一篇記敘性文體的短文。實驗發現,母語轉移現象在「主題顯著性」方面較為顯著,日本學生較美國學生使用較多有華語主題的句子,但在「語詞省略性」方面,美、日學生程度相當,其華語語詞省略情形相似。而第二語言轉移現象在「主題顯著性」與「語詞省略性」方面皆無顯著的組別效應。美、日學生使用母語的主題句子數量與省略之語詞相似,但用母語說故事的實驗較寫作測驗有較多的語詞省略。 Abstract The main purpose of this research is to discover the characteristics of CSL learners’ interlanguage, and examine its influence on their L1s. Our subjects were Japanese- and English- speaking learners of Chinese. Two tasks were administered in this experiment: a story-retelling task and a writing task. In the first task, the subjects were asked to watch a film and retell its plot; in the second task, they needed to write a composition on a given topic. It was found that the transfer hypothesis was supported when the topic-prominence parameter was examined: the Japanese group produced more topics than the English group. However, with respect to the pro-drop parameter, the group effect was not significant. In addition, the results showed that L2 influence was not significant, since both groups produced a similar number of topics and covert pronouns. Finally, it was found that our subjects produced more covert pronouns in the story-retelling task than in the writing task. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 79-108 全文下載 Download