首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 一~五卷 > 第一卷第一期(2004.06) 第二語言的學習/Second-Language Learning 作者 Author 鄭昭明 Chao-Ming CHENG 關鍵詞 Key words 外語學習,母語學習,華語文學習 econd-language learning, First-language learning, Learning Chinese as a second language 摘要 本文分析第二語言學習,並以華語作為第二語言為例,對比第二語言與母語在學習上的不同。由於第二語言通常在掌握母語之後才在課堂裡學習的,因此不免受母語習慣、第二語言規則類化、非語文因素、缺乏演練的機會及其他因素的影響、而覺得困難。但也由於年紀較大者,具備了較好的學習經驗與策略,在字彙與語法的學習上,優於年幼者。最後,本文強調,第二語言學習的情境應多元化,而且應遵守聽、說、讀、寫的順序。 Abstract It is argued in this paper that the processes of learning a second language are different from those of acquiring the first language. First, evidence has been shown that the learner’s first language may enter in and influence his second-language learning, especially when features of the target language are new or markedly different from the first language. Second, learning of a second language from class-room teaching would result in overgeneralization of the second. However, learning of the second, especially vocabulary and syntax, would benefit from superior memory heuristics and past experiences possessed by older children. Despite these differences, it is suggested that second-language learning and first-language learning share two aspects of learning processes; they should be learned in many different contexts and in the sequence of speech perception, speech production, reading, and writing. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 159-169 全文下載 Download