首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十五卷第二期(2018.06)英語母語者習得華語結果式複合動詞之研究:聚焦第一語言對第二語言習得的影響 / L1 English Speakers’ Learning of Mandarin RVCs: Focusing on L1 Infl uence in L2 Acquisition 作者 Author 李臻儀(Jen-I LI1) 李瑋珊(Wei-Shan LEE) 關鍵詞 Key words 華語結果式複合動詞 語言轉移 概念轉移 二語習得 英語 Mandarin RVCs, L2 acquisition, language transfer, conceptual transfer, English 摘要 本研究旨在藉由英語母語者習得華語結果式複合動詞的情形,從語言轉移和概念轉移兩方面,探討一語對二語習得的影響。四十名英語母語人士(實驗組)和二十名華語母語人士(對照組)參與了本研究。本研究以問卷調查方式進行,包含語法判斷和句子詮釋兩部分。我們的發現是:受試者對華語結果式複合動詞的了解仍有待加強,而且其習得在結構、語意和概念上皆受到母語的影響。具體來說,本研究的結果支持對比分析假設較中庸的版本,也證實語言轉移在結構和語意上都會發生;更重要的是,本研究亦發現在華語結果式複合動詞習得時出現母語概念的轉移,此發現支持戴浩一(2003)的說法:與華語母語者相比較,對英語母語者而言,在包含過程及結果的事件中,事件結果不如事件過程突顯。 Abstract This study examines how native English speakers’ L1 may influence their L2 acquisition of Mandarin resultative verb compounds (RVCs) from two perspectives – language transfer and conceptual transfer. Forty native speakers of English (the experimental groups) andtwenty native speakers of Mandarin (the control group) participated in the study. A questionnaire survey consisting of a grammaticality judgment task and a sentence interpretation task was administered. The general finding was that the L2 learners’ knowledge of Mandarin RVCs was not native-like and was infl uenced by their native language. Specifi cally, the results of this study support the moderate version of the contrastive analysis hypothesis and show that language transfer happens structurally and semantically; more importantly, the results indicate that conceptual transfer occurs in the L2 learning of RVCs and support Tai’s (2003) proposal that the result part of an action-result event is less salient to English speakers than to Mandarin speakers. 內容語文 Language 英文 English 頁次 Page 23-62 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / HyRead台灣全文資料庫