首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第九卷第二期(2012.06)論對外漢語跨文化隱喻教學 / Discussing cross-cultural metaphor teaching in teaching Chinese as a second languagel 作者 Author 呂緯青 Wei-Ching Lu 關鍵詞 Key words 隱喻能力,隱喻教學,對外漢語,跨文化隱喻 Metaphorical competence, Metaphor teaching, Teaching Chinese as a foreign language, Cross-cultural metaphor 摘要 隱喻能力是語言能力的重要組成部分,在對外漢語教學當中,跨文化隱喻能力實可作為衡量學習者漢語水平等級的重要指標,然則對外漢語教學界在此一方面的討論目前尚十分缺乏。本文主要探討基於教師的對外漢語跨文化隱喻教學,旨在強調教師應提高自身的跨文化隱喻知識和教學能力,特別是對學習者出現的跨文化隱喻負遷移情況能持寬容態度,避免僅從漢語的隱喻方式和思維習慣出發,而抹殺學習者跨文化隱喻的創造力和語言表達的積極性。這樣,方能在語言教學與習得的過程中更好地實現跨文化交流互動,以及提升語言表達能力。 Abstract Metaphorical Competence is an important part of language competence. In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, cross-cultural metaphorical competence is essential for examining a person’s Chinese proficiency level. Nevertheless, the concept of cross-cultural metaphor is rarely mentioned when learning how to teach Chinese as a second language. This paper focuses on cross-cultural meta-phor teaching, suggesting that it is necessary for Chinese language teachers to acquire knowledge about cross-cultural metaphors and therefore enhance his or her ability to teach the language. Specifically, teachers should be tolerant when facing negative transfer cases of learner’s cross-cultural metaphor, and be cau-tious not to think only of the Chinese metaphor patterns or stereotype idioms. Otherwise, this may consequently lead to prevent the learner from achieving the cross-cultural metaphorical creativity or the active use of the Chinese language. The suggestions mentioned above aim to achieve a better cross-cultural commu-nication in the interaction between teaching and learning Chinese, and thereby to improve the learner’s expression ability of the language. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 59-76 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / 臺灣學術線上