首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 十一~十五卷 > 第十四卷第四期(2017.12) 結合數位典藏和字典在正體字保存及推廣的應用 / The Application of Integrating Digital Archives and Dictionaries in the Preservation and Popularization of Traditional Chinese 作者 Author 周亞民Ya-Min CHOU 關鍵詞 Key words 正體字 中文線上字典 學習型字典 文化與字典 漢字文化 數位典藏加值應用 phonological Chinese on-line dictionary, Chinese learners’ dictionary, culture and dictionary, the value-added applications of digital archives, traditional Chinese characters 摘要 正體字的優點在於能夠與中華文化緊密的結合,我們可以運用這個優點,將中華文化融入字典,因為字典是學習漢字和漢語必需的工具書,透過此必要的工具書,將正體字與中華文化同時傳播,讓使用者體會正體字的優點,同時藉由文化的了解,進而加深對正體字的喜好,這是保存與推廣正體字之具體可行方法。目前的字典其漢字文化內容不足,難以呈現正體字與文化的關係,因此,本研究運用網路字典的特性,結合數位典藏與教育部網路字典,建立了漢字與文化網路字典雛型系統,完成190 個漢字,順利的將豐富的文化融入字典。本研究的貢獻包括:第一、漢字對於華語的學習是十分重要的部份,將文化融入字典,藉由文化引發學習的動機,不僅對正體字學習更有興趣,有助於保存正體字文化。第二、提出將文化融入字典的方式,不同於現有學習型字典的設計,開創新的編輯模式,對於未來華語學習型字典的研究和編輯,可以作為參考。 Abstract The functions of dictionary are not only to interpret the senses and pronunciations but also the main resources to learn characters and languages. Currently, the culture’s content of dictionary is not enough so that it is difficult to represent the relationship between traditional Chinese characters and culture. One of the most important advantages of transitional Chinese characters is that closely related to Chinese culture. To reserve and promote traditional Chinese, we should study how to represent the relationship between traditional Chinese characters and culture. The purpose of this study is to build the contents that reveal the relation between traditional Chinese characters and culture in on-line dictionary for the users who have learned simplified Chinese characters. This research adopts the results of national Taiwan digital archive project as the culture’s digital content. Finally, the digital content will connect with online Concise Chinese Dictionary. Because the content and design of the digital dictionary purposed by this study are significant different with current simplified Chinese characters dictionary, it is helpful to preserve and promote traditional Chinese characters and Chinese culture. The model proposed by this study can be used as a reference for the researchers of lexicography and the editing of dictionary. 內容語文 Language 中文Chinese 頁次 Page 101-128 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / HyRead台灣全文資料庫