首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第九卷第三期(2012.09) 多媒體教材解釋模式對文言文學習成效之影響 / The Impacts of Different Modalities of Multimedia on Classical Chinese Learning 作者 Author 羅綸新、齊瑮琛 L. S. Laurence LWO, Li-chen CHI 關鍵詞 Key words 多媒體學習,文言文,國文教學 Multimedia learning, classical Chinese, Chinese teaching 摘要 本研究以多媒體學習的認知理論為基礎,採用準實驗法,檢視不同媒體呈現模式對學習文言文的影響。實驗對象為八年級87位學生,自變項為三種不同的多媒體組合模式:一、動畫+文言範文字幕+白話字幕解釋;二、動畫+文言範文字幕+白話旁白解說;三、.動畫+文言範文字幕+白話旁白解說與同步字幕。每位學生學習三篇文章但每次不同模式,在學習每一篇文言文之後,接著進行立即文意後測,最後再填寫一份多媒體學習回饋單。研究結果顯示,文言文多媒體教材中「白話旁白解說」和「白話旁白解說與同步字幕」,兩者在學習成效上皆顯著優於「白話字幕解釋」;再從學習者的回饋意見來看,77%的受測者肯定多媒體教材能提升學習興趣,68%的受測者最喜歡以搭配「白話旁白與同步解說字幕」的教材模式來學習文言文。 Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of different modalities of multimedia learning or classical Chinese learning. The study adopts a qua-si-experimental method based on the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The subjects consist of 87 eighth-grade students from a junior high school in Keelung City. In the study, each student learned classical Chinese through three different modalities of multimedia (M1: subtitles in colloquial Chinese, M2: narration in colloquial Chinese, M3: narration with synchronized subtitles in colloquial Chinese) in three different paragraphs, and then takes a posttest after each paragraph. Finally, a questionnaire was conducted. Results showed that multime-dia materials with “colloquial narration” or with “colloquial narration and sub-titles” were significantly more effective than that with “colloquial subtitles” only. Feedbacks from learners showed that 77% of the subjects liked to use multimedia in Chinese Classical learning, 68% of the subjects preferred “colloquial narration with subtitles” mode to learn classical Chinese. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 1-29 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / 臺灣學術線上