首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第二卷第二期(2005.12)「做完了」還是「做好了」?淺論結果補語「完」與「好」 / “Zuo wan le” or “Zuo hao le”? A Study on Resultative Complement “wan” and “hao” 作者 Author 李明懿 Ming-yi Li 關鍵詞 Key words 結果補語,完,好,語義,篇章,語用,教學 resultative complement, wan, hao, semantic, discourse, pragmatic, pedagogy 摘要 結果補語的「完」和「好」在表「完成」的用法上有重疊有差異,本文試從形式、語義、篇章、語用不同面向討論二者的差異。研究發現:結果補語「完」表現在時間結構上的特徵較「好」來得明顯;「好」在語義上也有非終點特性,且其質性較強。這兩個述補結構的差異也同時表現在其受事上。最後,本文將針對教學提出建議。 Abstract There are some similarities and differences between resultative complement "wan" and "hao" in the meaning of "finish". This paper tries to discuss the differences between "hao" and "wan" in form, semantic, discourse and pragmatic aspects. One of the findings is that the endpoint feature of "wan" is stronger than "hao" on the time axis, but "hao" has a non-endpoint and stronger feature of quality. Also, the object co-occuring with "V-wan" and "V-hao" obviously affect the meaning of the sentence. Finally, some pedagogical implications are given. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 73-88 全文下載 Download 無