首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第一卷第二期(2004.12)作文評分標準研究 / The Evaluation Criteria of Expository and Narrative Writings 作者 Author 柯華葳 Hwawei Ko 關鍵詞 Key words 作文評分標準 、說明文、敘述文 written composition, assessment criteria, narrative text, expository text 摘要 作文評分常因評分者的主觀因素造成爭議。本研究旨在整理敘述文和說明文的各類評分項目,期冀以最少項目但是具有信度與效度的評分指標供批改作文時使用。經蒐集各類評分指標,並採用大考中心公佈的作文為研究對象,經刪除重複性高、與其他項目相關低、與大考中心暨有分數不相關的項目,結果,說明文有四類九項,敘述文有四類六項評分標準。經試作,證明這些標準有其信度與效度。精簡過後的項目可使作文評分更客觀,學生也較清楚作文的要求。 Abstract Grading writing is not an easy job. How to reach a set of comparatively objective criteria is the concern of many related studies. In common practice, there are 3 categories used to consider the quality of writing, namely, mechanical, organization, and information. In each category, 5 or more items are used to define the category. In this study, we try to eliminate items by analyzing:1) items that are highly correlated; 2) items that do not have good discriminating power; 3) items that do not have criterion-related validity. The 3 categories still upheld. A total of 9 items left for expository and 6 items left for narrative. 5 point scale is assigned to each item, 5 stands for the most fitted and 1, the least fitted. After a tryout by different group of elementary school students, the reliability and validity of these writing criteria are acceptable. It is suggested that teachers of school adopt these simplified criteria and teach their students to use them for self and peer assessment. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 15-32 全文下載 Download