首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第二卷第二期(2005.12)大學華語教學中心外籍學生選校評估準則之調查研究—以中國文化大學國語研習班為例 / A Factor Analysis of Decision-making Process of Foreign Students in Choosing an Institute for Chinese as a Foreign Language -A Case Study of Mandarin Learning Center at Chinese Culture University (CCU) 作者 Author 施俊名、 吳惠萍、林繡娟 Chun Ming Shih, Hui Ping Wu, Hsiu Chuan Lin 關鍵詞 Key words 華語文教學中心,選校評估準則 Institute for teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, the selection criteria, marketing strategies 摘要 從全球華語文學習者型態及兩岸華語文教學機構數目劇增的現象,可發現華語文教學機制已逐漸朝向市場化發展,形成華語文教學市場競爭白熱化之局面。 面對這樣的趨勢-學生以自費為主、分布各年齡層、學習目的、學習需求各不相同之際,我國華語文教學中心如何在這塊潛力無窮的華語文教學市場上佔有一席之地,值得深入探究。基此理念,本研究企圖從學生觀點出發,探討他們取得相關訊息的管道途徑以及選擇海外華語文教學機構的種種考量因素,深入分析其需求,以作為將來教育主管機關以及各大學校院華語文教學中心設定行銷策略以及營運方向之參考,亦即惟有深入了解學習者的內在觀點,以提供適切的教學服務,我國華語文教學中心才能建立優良的口碑,達到國際上永續經營、穩步成長的長程目標。 Abstract The purposes of this study were to investigate the decision-making process of foreign students in choosing an institute for Chinese as a foreign language, and hoped to make conclusions and suggestions based on the results. Behind the motivations, there were three purposes: Drawing on the theoretical frameworks and techniques from the education marketing, it aimed to enhance the marketing capacity of Taiwan's institutes for teaching Chinese as a foreign language in recruiting foreign students. It attempted to seek foreign students' criteria for choosing an Institute for Chinese as a foreign language, the main sources of information, and the most important person influencing the foreign student's choosing an institute for learning Chinese. Based on the results, some constructive suggestions were made to the administration, the universities and colleges, serving as a reference in the management of enrollment strategies. To achieve the aims mentioned above, the present study started from the exploring the theories of market segmentation and marketing strategies through reviewing related literature, then collected empirical data about the recruitment of college students. Based upon the results of literature review, a "Questionnaire of Influential Factors concerning the Decision-making Process of Foreign Students Choosing an Institute for Chinese as a Foreign Language" was composed. The subjects were from Mandarin Learning Center at Chinese Culture University (CCU), about two hundred foreign students. A series of statistics such as descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and MANOVA were conducted to analyze the data collected. The main findings are as follows: The variable of the subject's different background play an important role in their choosing an institute for learning Chinese. Different foreign students have their own inclination in the university information sources. This study suggests that to recruit more foreign students, the international officials in Taiwan colleges should adopt a more aggressive attitude and figure out all kinds of marketing strategies. The conclusions drawn from this study can provide a clear picture of Taiwan's institutes for teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in recruiting foreign students in the future. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 141-174 全文下載 Download 無