首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第六卷第二期(2009.12)漢語「好」的多視角分析與教學應用 / A Multi-level Analysis of “Hao” in Chinese with Pedagogical Applications 作者 Author 陳俊光、劉欣怡 Jyun-gwang Chen, Hsin-Yi Liu 關鍵詞 Key words 「好」,純理功能,詞彙意義,語法意義,語法化,銜接,句尾焦點,對比焦點,會話分析,重疊式,教學語法 hao, metafuncton, lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, grammaticalization, cohesion, end focus, contrastive focus, conversation analysis, pedagogical grammar 摘要 本文以Halliday的概念、篇章與人際三大語言純理功能為分析架構,並以自然語料為驗證基礎,分別為「好」在語義、篇章和語用層面所呈現的多元現象進行論述,並嘗試將語言各層面之間的多元化現象做一聯繫統合。本文首先從概念層次出發,從詞性和語義,對漢語「好」進行基礎分析。其次,在篇章層次,首先分析「好」在語法化後所產生的句內的銜接功能,再進至其跨句的會話功能,可充當「話題/話輪改變或結束」的篇章標記。此篇章標記的形成與「好」在概念層次中的「完成義」與「變化性質」相關。當「好」進入了人際互動層次時,所表達的並非命題意義,而是根據不同語境而產生不同的情態意涵。本文根據相關的語用理論,探討「好」的不同語用功能,包括「掌控發言權」、「同意」、「知曉」、「反話」、「央求」等。此外,本文亦從篇章層次的對比焦點,來探究「好」重疊式的語言現象。最後,本文結合多層面的分析成果,提出相關之教學建議。 Abstract Using Halliday’s tripartite met functional model (ideational, textual, and interpersonal functions) as analytical framework, this paper investigates, based on naturally occurring data, the semantic, discourse and pragmatic features of the lexeme hao in Chinese as well as the interconnections among the three linguistic dimensions. First, it examines the part of speech and semantic features of hao. It then explores the discourse feature of hao in terms of cohesion, coherence and information structure within the sentence level. Next, this paper examines the function of hao in terms of conversation structure beyond the sentence level. In complex sentences hao acts as a function word, but in a conversation structure, it changes into a discourse marker, signaling topic transition or closure. On the interpersonal level, the pragmatic functions of hao are differentiated by the context in which it appears. When hao is not carrying its propositional meaning, but is rather marking information as understood by the listener as conversational implicature. In light of relevant pragmatics principles, we can see that the core interpersonal functions of hao is to reclaim speakership, seek agreements, and so on. Next, the study examines the reduplicate form of haofrom the perspective of contrastive focus and offers an alternative viewpoint to traditional views. Lastly, based upon results of the multi-level linguistic analysis presented in this paper, some suggestions are offered for improving Chinese language pedagogy. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 45-98 全文下載 Download 華藝線上圖書館 / 臺灣學術線上