首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第一卷第二期(2004.12)方言調查詞表的必要性與設計方法 / The Necessity and The Methodology of Word-list for Dialectal Survey 作者 Author 洪惟仁 Ang Ui Jin 關鍵詞 Key words 方言調查詞表、方言比較、通變系統、方言類型分析 word-list in dialectal survey, dialectal comparison, diasystem, typological analysis 摘要 漢語方言學的發展分成好幾個階段,從高本漢以下的大型漢語方言調查都採用以切韻音系為參考座標的調查字表或詞表。但1948年董同龢調查四川華陽涼水井客家時開始不用詞表,在台灣所做的方言調查也都不用調查詞表。本文認為不用詞表只是傳統方言學調查法中的一種,進一步做地理方言學或社會方言學的調查,沒有詞表的調查方法會發生三個問題,即:調查人力、時間的問題,語料完整性問題,語料一致性問題。 但方言詞表的設計不一定要根據切韻音系,詞表的設計需要根據研究方言的性質、類型與研究目的而定。本論文除檢討漢語方言調查上詞表設計的歷史經驗外,並介紹了通變系統的歸納法,領航調查,字音歸類及變體編碼等問卷設計的技術。 Abstract The history of Chinese dialectal surveys can be divided into some stages. Since Karlgren (1915–1926), the word-lists in large-scale dialectal surveys have been all based on the phonological system of Chie-yun. However, Tung (1948) broke the tradition in a Szu-chuan dialect survey in which he did not use any word-list. This paper discusses three problems of not using word-lists: the limitation of human power and time constraint, the inconsistence of investigation items and the integrity of data. A word-list does not necessarily refer to the Chie-yun system. We can design any type of word-lists based on the property or typology of the dialects and the purpose of the investigation. This paper also discusses some methodology and technology of word-list design, including dialectal comparison and inductive method of diasystem, pilot survey, categorization of words, typological analysis, and coding of variants. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 121-144 全文下載 Download