首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第三卷第一期(2006.06)揭陽方言體貌系統研究 / Aspect Marking in the Jieyang Dialect 作者 Author 許惠玲 Hui Ling Xu 關鍵詞 Key words 體貌,完整體,非完整體,情狀類型,虛化程度 aspect, bounded, unbounded, situation type, grammaticalization 摘要 時範疇與體範疇均涉及到時間,但它們的語義有所不同。「時」為事件,動作,狀態等提供時間參照點,而「體」涉及的是事件,動作,狀態內部的時間結構。眾所周知,漢語缺乏用語法手段表達的時範疇,但各方言普遍存在體貌範疇。本文從共時角度,描述和分析位於廣東省東部,屬於閩南語系的潮洲方言中的揭陽話的體貌系統。本文將揭示,雖然揭陽方言體貌系統中的分類大體能與其他方言對齊,比如有完成,進行,經歷體,也有短時和嘗試貌等,但它們的語義及語法手段都有其獨特的地方。此外,與漢語相比較,揭陽方言的一些體貌標記的虛化程度要相對弱些。 Abstract Tense and aspect are all concerned with the temporal dimensions of verb phrases. However, they differ from each other in their semantic focus. Tense relates an event or the occurrence of a situation to the moment of speaking or to some other situation and is thus deictic. Aspect, on the other hand, makes reference to the properties of situations themselves, that is, it is concerned with 'the internal temporal "structure" of a situation' (Payne, 1999:234). It is a known fact that in Sinitic languages, tense is not a grammatically encoded category but there are rich aspectual systems. This paper presents a synchronic description and analysis of aspectual marking in one of the Southern Min varieties in the Sinitic language family, the Jieyang dialect , which belongs to a set of dialects collectively known as the Chaoshan dialect (also known as 'Ch'ao-chou', 'Tiechiew', 'Swatow' and 'Shan-t'ou', etc.) spoken in the eastern part of Guangdong province in the People's Republic of China. Although the aspectual categories identified in the Jieyang dialect are similar to other Sinitic languages, this paper will show that the syntactic means to express the different aspectual viewpoints, the range of meanings they possess and thus their scope of use can be different. Furthermore, the paper will also demonstrate that some aspectual markers in the Jieyang dialect are to a less extent grammaticalised than those of the official language, Mandarin. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 27-44 全文下載 Download 無