首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第一卷第二期(2004.12)漢語諧音詞的語意與語用功能 / How Does Chinese Homonym Work :The Close Interrelationship of Semantics and Pragmatics 作者 Author 蔡尚憶 Shang-yi, TSAI 關鍵詞 Key words 諧音詞、語用與語意的互動、合作原則、會話協定、成語、語境 homonym, homophone, homograph, idiom, Cooperative Principle, maxims of conversation, co-text, context, pragmatics, semantics 摘要 說到中國人拜拜時常用鳳梨來祈求好運「旺來」(鳳梨之臺語發音)以及用「氣管炎」暗指「怕老婆的丈夫」(妻管嚴)等,很少人不為其詼諧的語意與巧妙的語音關係感到讚嘆。近來,這種用法極為興盛,於招牌、廣告、報章雜誌中隨處可見,例如房屋廣告所用的「葉綠墅」、手機廣告的「未來奇機」以及海鮮店招牌上的「無蟹可及」。這是漢語裡一種既風趣又獨特的用法─「諧音詞」。說獨特是因為它不僅須依附於同(近)音詞彙之上,用詞精簡,愛套用成語,還經常是結構異常並帶有特殊標記。其訊息的傳達方式更可用「語帶玄機」與「拐彎抹角」來形容。 這些特質連帶地使讀者的語意解讀過程變得既冗長又繁複。從「發現異樣」開始,讀者不但需要足夠的語言能力與背景知識作後盾,還須善用「語境」與作者的「暗示」逐步推敲才能順利完成解讀。雖然諧音用法大多採取「文字」形式進行,然在製作與解讀的過程中,作者與讀者都必須遵守「合作原則」與「會話協定」才不致有「曲高和寡」或「不為所動」的情形發生!諧音用法無疑地印證了「語用」與「語意」之間的密切依存關係!本文係從特性、製作方法與解讀過程等角度切入來探究漢語「諧音詞」的語意與語用功能。此外,對於諧音用法傾向以視覺(含文字與圖像)形式進行以及常套用成語的現象,我們也有分析。 Abstract Homonym, the lexical items that have the same form (homograph) or pronunciation (homophone) but differ in meaning, has remained a unique and popular means of communication throughout Chinese history. In the recent past, Chinese homonym has grown so prevalent that it can be seen in a great number of headlines, signboards, advertisements, etc. In this study, we find that though full of fun and humor, speakers / writers communicating with Chinese homonym are at the same time running the risk of failing to transmit the very information aimed to be received by the hearers / readers. That is because homonymic items, especially modern ones, convey meanings in somewhat special ways. First, they are often used to replace one or more words in existent idioms and then form new idioms or phrases with novel internal structure. Second, the new structure thus formed conveys multi-fold meanings, i.e. the literal meaning of the homonymic item, the meaning of the original idiom, and the speaker’s communicative intention-force. As a result, not only are inexperienced readers / hearers often confused about the strange syntactic make-up at the first sight of the homonymic construction, but also have to spend more time than usual working out the true meaning or intention of the speakers / writers. Luckily, the four conversational maxims and the Cooperative Principle introduced by H. P. Grice work to help homonymic readers/hearers to believe in what they have seen / heard and to get from what is said to what is meant. What is worth noting is that homonymic items rely greatly on visual cues, such as bold-faced or italic printing, meant to attract readers’ attention. Moreover, they need proper co-texts and other contextual elements to help readers/hearers reach the final goal of making the right meaning. All these serve as the best proof of the close interrelationship between semantics and pragmatics. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 33-59 全文下載 Download