首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第二卷第二期(2005.12)意識與無意識的語言習得 / Conscious and Unconscious Aspects of Language Acquistion 作者 Author 鄭昭明 Chao-ming Cheng 關鍵詞 Key words 意識的學習,無意識的學習,語言的習得 conscious learning of language, unconscious learning of language, language acquisition 摘要 語言行為涉及聽、說、讀、寫等四個主要部分,而每個部分都是非常複雜的運作系統。本文從意識與無意識兩個面向去解析語言的機制,並提供了一些例子說明,有些看似無意識的語言學習實際上是意識的,有些則相反;看似意識的語言學習實際上是無意識的。還有一些在開始時是意識的,但最後掌握的卻是無意識的知識。這些面向都不是用單純的「天生」的觀點可以解釋清楚的。解析語言學習的意識與無意識部分,對語言教學是有益的,因為意識的部分是教學可以直接介入而予以改善的,而無意識的部分是教學無法直接介入的;它只能在適當的環境安排之下、由學習者親身的去體驗、去學習。 Abstract Language acquisition involves components of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with each component being thought to be a complex system. According to the current understanding of human cognition, the operation of a complex system involves both conscious and unconscious aspects of learning. In this report, the author tried to dissociate conscious from unconscious aspect of each component of language acquisition and provide supporting evidence for these two aspects of acquisition. Conscious aspect of language is open to teaching intervention, whereas its unconscious counterpart cannot be learned through instructions; it should be learned implicitly by learners through personal practice. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 1-20 全文下載 Download 無