首頁 > 華語文教學研究各期目錄 > 六~十卷 > 第五卷第一期(2008.06)譬喻運作的圖示解析於中文成語教學之應用 / A pedagogical study on Chinese idioms with visual assistant ap-proach 作者 Author 楊孟蓉、周世箴 Meng-Jung Yang, Shizhen Chou 關鍵詞 Key words 成語,來源域,目標域,語義延伸,意象基模,圖示教學法,輻射結構,基本層次範疇 idioms, source domain, target domain, meaning extension, meta-phorical mapping, Image schemas, visual graphic teaching strategies, radial structure, Basic Level Categories 摘要 對語言習得者與教學者而言,如何理解成語並恰如其分地運用是一大難點。由於語意擴張與轉移的歷時運作,成語的字面義並不等同其語用意涵。從字面義到語用實踐中引申義的理解,必須藉助教學者做進一步的說明與導引,前人往往著眼於成語典源及詞彙背後的文化內涵溯源方面,卻鮮少觸及本文所揭示的思維運作層面。本文試圖建構一種譬喻運作的圖示教學法,藉助意象基模的圖解輔助來活化視覺感官效應及其與習得者本體經驗的交互促發,釐清漢語成語字面義與使用義之間隱喻運作的過程,進而培養其對於中國語文隱喻思維模式之理解,達成提升漢語成語習得效率的目的。 Abstract Idioms play an important role in our daily speech. Many are very old and have interesting histories. The idiomatic meaning of an idiom does not simply equal to the literal meaning of the collective lexical meaning of its component parts, and which must be learnt as a whole unit in discourse practice. This paper proposes a set of visual graphic teaching strategies, to help acti-vating the visual perception as well as its correlate with language learner's physical experience. We expect that this approach will guide our students to explore the cognitive-semantic mechanisms behind the Chinese idioms, to elucidate the processes of the semantic extensions from the literal sense to idiomatic meaning with two cognitive mechanisms: metaphor and metonymy. Therefore, the practice of these strategies will benefit our students for the better proficiency in Chinese idioms. 內容語文 Language 中文 頁次 Page 29-44 全文下載 Download 無